Jan 27th. Startup founder resources, news and updates

Helping you grow your startup faster, through in-person events, resources and member shoutouts.

Jan 27th: Founder News, Events & Asks

Who are we? NYC's in-person founder community. Get involved! Attend an event / join the community. Support us. Volunteer or sponsor a newsletter or event πŸš€

Hi Everyone,

It's that time again 😁, and well I have learnt my lesson. No more sending emails over holiday weekends, and not at the end of the day either!

A lot of activity across the community over the last couple of weeks (our first coworking day of 2023 notwithstanding - which was πŸ”₯ - and our next 13th Feb).

Across our socials, we πŸ’¬ discussed everything from:

  1. Legal aspects around working whilst building - Who owns the IP? How can you protect yourself? What due diligence should you do before accepting a new job offer?

  2. Tips and resources for finding interns - Paid vs unpaid and the assosicated risks. Hiring by posting on the CUNY job board, or looking at sites like Handshake and Internships.com

  3. Are pitch prep consultants a thing? Consider speaking with your advisors, specialists and past founders.

Hope to see you at an event soon - Coffee huddle Monday, and a double header the 13th Feb with a Coworking day and Happy Hour.

And with that, I'll bit you adieu for now.


🌟 Knowledge Shop Events πŸŒŸ

Mon 30th Jan.

Coffee Huddle (am). Join a small group of founders to chat, problem-solve and brainstorm current startup challenges. RSVP (2 spots left)

Mon 13th Feb

Coworking Day. Join fellow entrepreneurs to work, collaborate, and brainstorm. Ticket includes access to the happy hour too (see below). RSVP

Happy Hour. After a crazy day of startup life, let's meetup, compare stories and network with your peers over a drink (included). RSVP

πŸ€— Everything Community πŸ€—

A big πŸ‘‹ and welcome to some of our newer members, including...

  • Nikhil Kapadia, founder of Roamr - personalised daily vacation itineraries.

  • Alysha Campbell, founder of CultureShift HR - creating inclusive work environments for startups.

  • Elie Francois, founder of NuTooth - a DTC brand that detect dental issues in real time.

πŸŽ‰ Wins πŸŽ‰

"I HATED doing cold outreach emails, and worse thinking of followups", so he built a tool to do it for him! Massive congrats on the launch of Salesgenie.io, Ananth (try it out, and let him know what you think)

πŸ™ Needs πŸ™

Just 10 minutes! Aiden Liu is looking to get feedback on his recent investing app launch. (He'll happily reciprocate with feedback on any project you are working on in return)

🫢 Quote of inspiration πŸ«Ά

" Start where you are "

" Use what you have "

" Do what you can "

Arthur Ashe. (Thanks KP for surfacing it on Twitter)

πŸ“£ Industry Announcements πŸ“£

πŸ›  Resources - keep these safe πŸ› 


Growth Hacks:

πŸ—½ NYC-wide Events πŸ—½

Sun 29th Jan.

Socratica. Coworking Afternoon. Perfect for creative technologists, budding founders, writers, learners, and more to work on their passion projects. RSVP

Mon 30th Jan 

🌟 Coffee Huddle (am). Join a small group of founders to chat, problem-solve and brainstorm current startup challenges. RSVP (2 spots left)

Thurs 2nd Feb

Next Big thing in Fin-Tech. Join Volv, in partnership with Rise, created by Barclays, as top journalists, investors and operators, as they discuss what's ahead in 2023. RSVP

RoadPitch NY Demos+Mixer. Mingle with fellow founders, ecosystem leaders, & investors, and watch pitch demos from 10 black tech startups. RSVP

Fri 3rd Feb

Founders Friday. Small group fireside chat over coffee with Lucas Lappe - Doris Dev’s Head of Product. RSVP

How to MVP without Code (Newark, NJ). Title says it all. Run by Venture Link, the startup hub in NJ. RSVP

Wed 8th Feb

New York Startup Guild + Learn. Positioning Workshop for B2B (particularly Saas) founders at Betaworks. RSVP

Cold Calls & Warm Connections. For founders looking to fundraise, job-seekers looking for work, or just looking to make friends, join the party at this gorgeous rooftop. RSVP

Mon 13th Feb

🌟 Coworking Day . Join fellow entrepreneurs to work, collaborate, and brainstorm. Ticket includes access to the happy hour too (see below). RSVP

🌟 Happy Hour. After a crazy day of startup life, let's meetup, compare stories and network with your peers over a drink (included). RSVP

Thurs 16th Feb

Early-stage fundraising success. A workshop designed for founders on best practices for early-stage fundraising and term sheet structure. RSVP

Wed 22nd Feb

Founder Friends. Join other founders to hear war stories from a founder who went through the wringer and came out the other side. RSVP